Ambulance Equipments

Trolley / Stretcher / Cot + Straps: stretcher to carry the patient plus safety rope, Immobiliser Kits: splint for fracture fixation, Carrying chair + straps:folding chairs to bring the patient up / down ladder + rope , Defibrillator:DC Shock for Tachycardia & ventricle ventricle Vibrilasi equipped with ECG monitors and pulse oximeter, Scoop stretcher:to move the patients with spinal injuries, Suction machine: to suction mucus / blood, Backboard:to bring patients with spinal injuries, Life Support Products (LSP): O2 small tube to the patient breathing , Kendrick Extrication Devices (KED):To move a patient with spinal injuries in a car that crashed, Entonox:contains O2 Nitrous oxide for pain relief while the patient , O2 cylinder, regulator: The main oxygen supply in key equipped ambulance, humidant+flowmeter:to moisten the air and regulate the amount of O2 given
Ventilator / Dragger:respiratory aids, Fracture Immobiliser: splint for fractures, Sharp Disposable Container:where reservoir another sharp needles used are used for patients , Trash Bucket: trash can, Head Immobiliser:buffer head and neck , Neck Collar:neck buffer , Ambubag (BVM):to provide assisted respiration , Sphygmomanometer:to check blood pressure, Stethoscope:to auscultation, Torch: flashlight to check pupils, Glucometer:to check blood sugar random, Glucostrips: to accommodate the blood drop in blood sugar checks , Blood Lancet: needle puncture to remove blood, Guedel airway (OPA):to open the airway , Adhesive tape:adhesive plaster , Ambulance dressing: for dressing wounds, Vomiting bags:patient vomit bag container, Cotton wool:cotton rolls , Gauze:gauze bandage , Crepe bandage:roll bandage , Eye pad:eye bandage, Scissors:Versatile scissors, Disposable razor:shaving razor , Syringe:syringe , Pulse oxymeter:to check oxygen saturation and pulse , Ambulance sheet: bed linen to the gurney, Disposable sheet:above the base sheet, Blankets, Pillow, Triangular bandage, Suction tube, Surgical face mask, Disposable gown, Nebuliser masks, Nasal canula, O2 masks, Disposable gloves, Triage card sets, Fire Extinguisher, Defibrilator pads, Suction catheter, Ventolin: bronkodilator, Adrenalin:emergency medicine in cardiac resuscitation , Glucagon:for patients with hypoglycemia , Atropine Sulfate:emergency medicine in cardiac resuscitation , Lignocain
: for cardiac arrhythmias, Normal saline:for infusion / clean the wound, Water gels:for burns, ECG Electrodes:ECG liaison with the patient's body , Lubrication jelly
:gel lubricant to the suction hose and hose intubation, Gliceryl Trynitrate (GTN) spray:for chest pain due to cardiac infarction / Angina with other effects of lowering blood pressure , Paramedic bags:paramedic bag containing the tools for infusion and intubation , First aid bags: contains tools for first aid